Myopia Management

About Myopia

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a condition that causes distant objects to appear blurry, due to light focusing in front of the retina. By only correcting vision with standard glasses and contact lenses, the degree of myopia can continue to progress as a child gets older, significantly increasing their risk for developing various sight threatening diseases. Myopia management includes different prescribed methods that attempt to slow down the progression of myopia, while also correcting your vision. Myopia management is not only about helping you see better, it's about helping you keep your eyes as healthy as they can be. We are excited to introduce myopia management to our services at Eldorado Vision and Optical. If you are interested in a myopia management consultation for your child, please call our office to schedule an appointment.

            Myopia and Myopia Management Q & A:

            What is Myopia?

            Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a condition that causes distant objects to appear blurry, due to light focusing in front of the retina. Typically, vision is corrected through prescription glasses or contact lenses. Although vision through standard glasses and contact lenses may be clear, the degree of myopia can continue to progress, as these methods are not actually slowing down the progression of myopia.

            What is myopia management?

            Myopia management includes various methods your eye doctor can prescribe to try and help slow down your myopia. This can be done through specialty contact lenses or prescription eye drops. Currently, there are three different methods used in the United States to help slow down myopia progression. These include corneal refractive therapy (Orthokeratology), MiSight soft contact lenses, and Atropine therapy. You and your eye doctor will decide which option is most suitable for your case together. There are also lifestyle modifications that can be made to also help reduce the risk of progression, which your eye doctor will also discuss with you.

            Why is myopia management important?

            Myopia management is important because it can help prevent the worsening of nearsightedness, which is directly linked to a higher risk of developing certain eye diseases. A myopic eye is typically elongated, causing light to focus in front of the retina. If left unmanaged, the eye can continue to grow as the prescription progresses. This can significantly increase a child's risk for developing sight threatening diseases like retinal detachments, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and early cataracts. The higher the degree of myopia, the higher the risk gets for these diseases.

            Is my child a candidate for myopia management?

            If you are unsure whether your child is nearsighted or wondering if they are a candidate for myopia management, please call our office to schedule an appointment! Our doctors will determine whether your child is a candidate for myopia management and discuss the various options with you and your child.

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